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Events | Exhibition Opening

Universal Wisdom. Vernissage of an Exhibition of Andrzej Ziółkowski’s Works

  • Willa Lentza
  • 05-08-2023, Saturday, at 5:00 pm -

The exhibition Universal Wisdom opens on 5th August 2023 at the Lentz Villa with a vernissage.
The event takes its title from Andrzej Ziółkowski’s eponymous photographic album. Images of places of worship, rituals, as well as people’s bodies, faces, and hands serve as an artistic commentary on poetic translations of excerpts from the Hinduist Upanishads, Buddhist sutras, the mysterious Taoist Tao Te Ching, the Koran, Sikh hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib, wisdom books from the Hebrew Jewish Bible, and the New Testament parables. The artist invites us to meet followers of the world’s great religions in South-East Asia and to embark on a spiritual journey through their wise holy books.

Having graduated in electronics, the author worked in the electronic industry for many years, until in 2005 he dedicated himself to his photographic passion. His journey through South India led him in 2012 to the Christian Aanmodaya Ashram in Kanchipuram, where he discovered the book titled Universal Wisdom: A Journey Through the Sacred Wisdom of the World, written by the UK Benedictine author Bede Griffiths (1906-1993). Inspired by the spiritual testament of that great mystic and sage, who calls on people ‘to transcend the cultural limitations of the great religions and to find a wisdom […] which underlies all their diversities.’ , Ziółkowski travelled through South-East Asia, India, Nepal, and Tibet, aspiring to capture human spirituality’s universal dimension in his photos, regardless of what religion his protagonists represent.

The fruits of his reflections on this subject and the photographs he has taken during his travels can be viewed at the Lentz Villa between 5th August and 30th September 2023. The vernissage of this exhibition includes a meeting with the artist, Andrzej Ziółkowski, hosted by Małgorzata Frymus.

Entry to the vernissage is free of charge. Please join us!

Exhibition partners:


The artist has received a grant from the ZAiKS Association’s Creativity Support Fund . 
Patronat medialny
Wieczysta Mądrość. Universal Wisdom. Wernisaż wystawy - Andrzej Ziółkowski