Newsletter Willi Lentza! Zachęcamy do zapisów! Details
The visiting dates have changed! We invite you to see the March schedule. Tours
Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie SAXandVILLAS 2025. Details
Ikony kultury. Sinatra Out Of Lights. Zapowiedź koncertu
Wernisaż wystawy Eonflux. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Latin Jazz Willa. Marita Albán Juárez Quartet. Zapowiedź koncertu
Ad Astra. Wariacje Goldbergowskie. Zapowiedź koncertu
Koncert Pasyjny. Oratorium Josepha Haydna. Siedem Ostatnich Słów Chrystusa Na Krzyżu. Zapowiedź koncertu
Kolekcja Doeringów pod lupą. Historia pewnej znajomości – nie tylko o obrazach Carla Schucha. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Dźwięk. Wykład prof. Stefana Weyny. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Ad Astra. Premiera i gwiazdy. Victoria w Willi Lentza. Zapowiedź koncertu
Fryderyk Chopin w Willi Lentza. Dzieła wszystkie. Wojciech Kubica Report
1888. Willa miłości. Powrót spektaklu! Zapowiedź wydarzenia


Individual tours – price per person

  • Tour without a guide
    • Regular ticket – PLN 15.00
    • Reduced ticket – PLN 10.00
    • A ticket for five zlotys – PLN 5.00
  • Guided tours:
    • Regular ticket – PLN 25.00
    • Reduced ticket – PLN 20.00
    • A ticket for five zlotys – PLN 5.00

Group tickets – over 10 people – price per person

  • A tour without a guide – PLN 10.00
  • Guided tours – PLN 20.00


The following persons are entitled to purchase discount tickets upon presentation of relevant documents:
  • Children and adolescents up to 18 years of age,
  • Students,
  • Retirees and pensioners,
  • Persons with a certified disability and their guides,
  • Activists of the anti-communist opposition and people repressed for political reasons, based on a document issued by the Veterans and Victims of Oppression Office,
  • Members of unions and the artistic associations: SARP, STGU, ZAR, ZPAF, ZPAP,
  • ISIC and EURO26 card holders.

The following persons are entitled to purchase tickets for five zlotys upon presentation of relevant documents:
  • Seniors over 75 years of age
  • Lecturers of art universities and art historians
  • Students of art, architecture, art history, monument conservation and cultural studies,
  • Students of art and music schools,
  • Members of the organization: AICA, SHS, CIMAM and IKT,
  • Art gallery and museum staff,
  • Members of the Art Historians Association.

A person entitled to purchase a concessionary ticket or the five zlotys ticket needs to present to a Villa employee or a person designated by the employee a valid document confirming the right to use the concession for sightseeing together with an ID card or other identity confirming document. In the absence of a document entitling the purchase of a discounted ticket, the visitor is required to exchange the purchased ticket for a regular one at the Villa's ticket office.

A single ticket for the Villa tour entitles entry to visit the temporary and permanent exhibitions presented at the Villa.

With regard to other events organized by the Villa, such as special temporary exhibitions, educational events, concerts or other events, the Villa reserves the right to establish different admission rules than those described above. These conditions will be announced on the website.

Regulations for visiting and participating in events organised at the Lentz Villa