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Events | Concert
Chopin w Willi Lentza

Complete Works. A Recital by Andrzej Wierciński

  • Willa Lentza

With a piano recital given on Friday 15th December 2023 at 7 p.m. by Andrzej Wierciński, an outstanding pianist of the young generation, we inaugurate a new concert cycle titled CHOPIN AT THE LENTZ VILLA. COMPLETE WORKS.
During our evening concerts we have planned to present, over the next two years, all the works of the great master from Żelazowa Wola, in the interpretations of contemporary stars applauded by audiences in the world’s prestigious concert halls. Our performers will include participants of the next, 19th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, which will take place in October 2025, in the year of the composer’s 225th birth and 176th death anniversary. The Chopin Competition, one of the world’s oldest, most prestigious and recognisable musical contests, is held in Warsaw every five years. It is one of the few musical events of this type to feature the works of one composer only – those of FRYDERYK CHOPIN.

The organisers aim to attract audiences to what is Poland’s most cherished brand worldwide – the music of Fryderyk Chopin.

Please join us for this unique event.
Chopin w Willi Lentza. Recital A. Wiercińskiego