Andrzej Wierciński
Furthermore, this outstanding virtuoso has accepted an invitation from the Lentz Villa to present a recital of Chopin’s works.
Included amongst his most notable and distinguished artistic achievements are the 1st prize at the Polish National Frederic Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw (2015), 1st place in the 6th International Chopin Piano Competition in Budapest (2014) and 3rd place in the 3rd International Piano Competition "Halina Czerny-Stefańska in memoriam" in Poznań (2014). He is also a finalist and winner of the Special Prize for the best Polish pianist at the 10th International Chopin Piano Competition in Darmstadt (2013). Moreover, he achieved 1st place in the 10th International Piano Competition "Golden Ring" in Slovenia (2014) and 1st prize at the International Competition in Naples "Masters Neapolitan Piano Competition" (2018). He also received the Gold Medal at the International Music Competition in Vienna (2019), 1st Prize at the Saint-Priest Antoine de Saint Exupéry International Piano Competition (2019) and 3rd prize and bronze medal at the Hong Kong International Competition.