On Thursday, September 30 2021, as part of the 18th International Sacrum Non Profanum Music Festival, there will be film screenings of "Paderewskiego życie po życiu", directed by Stefan Szlachtycz and "10 wspaniałych", directed by Leszek Szopa. The screenings will start at 12:00. The radio play entitled "Ignacego Jana Moment Musical", directed by Stefan Szlachtycz, will also be presented at 15:00.
The film by Leszek Szopa, "10 wspaniałych", describes the work of ten genius composers who were presented at subsequent Sacrum Non Profanum festivals.
The second image, "Paderewskiego życie po życiu", directed by Stefan Szlachtycz is based on the screenplay based on the book by Simon Giron entitled "The Secret of Paderewski's Testament". Script, direction and musical setting – Stefan Szlachtycz
Radio play: Ignacy Jan Moment Musical
Jan Peszek – actor
Stefan Szlachtycz – director
Karol Radziwonowicz – piano
Organizer – the Sacrum Non Profanum International Music Festival
Co-organizer – the Lentz Villa