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The visiting dates have changed! We invite you to see the January schedule. Tours
Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie SAXandVILLAS 2025. Details
Kolory życia. Zapowiedź wernisażu
Fryderyk Chopin w Willi Lentza. Dzieła Wszystkie. Aleksandra Świgut i Nordic Ensemble. Zapowiedź koncertu
Pałac w Willi. Zapowiedź spektaklu
Willa Argentyna. Maria de Buenos Aires. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Fryderyk Chopin w Willi Lentza. Dzieła Wszystkie. Recital Wojciecha Kubicy. Zapowiedź spektaklu
Juvenum Hortus. Soul of the guitar. Mistrzowska Akademia Gitary Klasycznej Krzysztofa Meisingera. Report

NOCTURNS – HOMMAGE A CHOPIN – Wojciech Siudmak's exhibition

24.06.2022 – 30.10.2022

Wojciech Siudmak's exhibition entitled "Nocturnes – Hommage à Chopin". The artist, inspired by the works of Fryderyk Chopin, has been working since 2009 on a series of pictures that are a free interpretation of Fryderyk Chopin's nocturnes. Wojciech Siudmak decided to translate into the language of his extraordinary, metaphysical art, the style of romantic works, full of strong emotions and hidden meanings.
For years, fascinated by the works of the great composer, the artist has been considered the leading representative of fantastic realism. But, according to art critics, Siudmak "has his roots in the surrealism represented by Salvador Dali and René Magritte."

The creator "... is connected with Dali by virtuosity in conveying the three-dimensional illusion of space, a sense of light and shadow, linear and aerial perspectives".

Curator: Dorota Pieńkos
June 24, 2022