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The visiting dates have changed! We invite you to see the May schedule. Tours
Zapraszamy na kolejny pokaz spektaklu Zatrudnimy starego clowna! Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Frida. Kolekcjonerka z Westendu. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Lex Drewinski w Willi Lentza. Report
Prof. Katarzyna Dondalska przedstawia. Mozart da camera Zapowiedź koncertu
Jazz w Willi. Ikony Kultury. Grzegorz Ciechowski. Koncert Radosława Bolewskiego i Macieja Tubisa. Report
Ad Astra. Willa Italia. Zapowiedź koncertu
Ad Astra. Moments. S jak saksofon. Report

Honours for The Illusion of Time

We are pleased to announce the mapping of the Lentz Villa entitled 1888. The Illusion of Time, which had its premiere on June 11, 2021, during the inauguration of our new cultural institution in Szczecin, was nominated and awarded in the POLISH GRAPHIC DESIGN AWARDS competition for the best mapping animation of 2021!
Congratulations to the creators and all those involved in this venture, especially Pushka Studio, Bartosz Wójcicki, Mateusz Nowalany, aram, Deruba, Jakub Cwajda, Notopa, and Robert Ostiak.