Newsletter Willi Lentza! Zachęcamy do zapisów! Details
The visiting dates have changed! We invite you to see the January schedule. Tours
Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie SAXandVILLAS 2025. Details
Kolory życia. Zapowiedź wernisażu
Fryderyk Chopin w Willi Lentza. Dzieła Wszystkie. Aleksandra Świgut i Nordic Ensemble. Zapowiedź koncertu
Pałac w Willi. Zapowiedź spektaklu
Willa Argentyna. Maria de Buenos Aires. Zapowiedź wydarzenia
Fryderyk Chopin w Willi Lentza. Dzieła Wszystkie. Recital Wojciecha Kubica. Zapowiedź spektaklu
Juvenum Hortus. Soul of the guitar. Mistrzowska Akademia Gitary Klasycznej Krzysztofa Meisingera. Report
Concert coverage

Cruise from Venice to Padua

The Villa Lentz recently held a baroque regatta, during which the musicians of the combined Szczecin Vocal Project and Consortium Sedinum, led by Paweł Osuchowski, presented the madrigal comedy by Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634) "La Barca da Venezia per Padova", to a packed house.
The huge interest in the concert meant that unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, resulting from the current sanitary regulations, many people were unable to purchase tickets.

We deeply apologize for this inconvenience,and would like to invite you to the Lentz Villa for the following artistic events to be organized in the coming weeks.

Photo coverage from August 2, 2021