Each culture is based on specific values; therefore, the Lentz Villa organises regular discussion meetings during which guests of the residence talk about various aspects of culture and its values.
On August 28th at 18:00, we invite you to a discussion on FREEDOM IN CULTURE.
Andrzej Łazowski will moderate the meeting.
Among others Agnieszka Kuchcińska-Kurcz, Krystyna Maksymowicz, Radosław Nagay, Krzysztof Żurawski announced their participation in the discussion.
Seemingly, it is a common word with unusual meaning. A word that gives hope and makes you proud. You could say that today freedom is something completely natural, experienced every day by us, our children. Freedom of speech, religion, creation...
What is the freedom to create? Art has always allowed artists to express their innermost emotions, ranging from bitter sadness to euphoria. Devoid of all boundaries, delightful, outrageous, sometimes causing mixed feelings, FREE – this is its beauty.
"The beauty of life lives in freedom," said Dorota Kawecka. We believe that these words will guide us during the debate.