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Concert coverage

Roman Wróblewski Trio

The Friday concert at the Lentz Villa featured Roman Wróblewski Trio, whose abilities and masterful performance charmed the dedicated jazz audience. They played, among others, music from their latest album titled Sun.
The band’s members are: pianist and composer Roman Wróblewski, known for his part in numerous music projects presented in the last nearly two decades; Spanish drummer and composer Luati Gonzales, performing in Europe and Asia with the greatest flamenco stars, and cellist, chamber and session musician Weronika Kulpa, who is also a lecturer at the Gdańsk Academy of Music. Together they presented the audience with an extensive programme combining ethnic with classical music. Their wonderfully dynamic sound, varied colouristic palette, and improvisational freedom proved much to the liking of our numerous guests, who greeted the concert with a generous applause and demanded encores.

The concert was introduced by Szczecin-based actor, writer, and singer Konrad Pawicki.

Fotorelacja z 23 września 2022